Email your manuscript as one Word document to
Before you submit ensure the following:
- An abstract of 200 words maximum or very close to 200 – no references and subheadings in abstract.
- Introduction – one paragraph only, no references, the final sentence must inform the reader what the article contains or how it is structured.
- Key words – five to eight (5-8) key words. Arrange in alphabetical order, include the country of study and ensure that each key word appears in the abstract and the main article.
- Four key points, each less than 20 words. Each point tells the reader what your article has contributed to knowledge. This includes contribution to methods, findings, conclusions and implications.
- Author details – surname, first names, department, institution and email address.
- Body of the manuscript or main text.
- Conclusion – one paragraph, no references.
- References list.
- Acknowledgements – if applicable.